Friday, February 15, 2008

Cancer Symptoms You Need to Know

aku mula mengambil tahu hal kanser..

There are over one hundred different types of cancer. They are all unique with their own symptoms and characteristics. Each cancer affects the body in a different way.

Although cancers differ greatly, there are a few cancer symptoms that are commonly experienced by most cancer patients.

Symptoms of cancer include:

* Persistent Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most commonly experienced cancer symptom. It is usually more common when the cancer is advanced, but still occurs in the early stages.

* Unintentional Weightloss

Losing 10 or more pounds without dieting or intending to lose weight can be one of the first symptoms experienced with cancer.

* Fever

Most cancer patients experience a fever at some point.It may be due to the disease affecting their immune system, the cancer itself, or a response to treatment. Fever normally occurs as the cancer progresses.

* Changes To the Skin

Skin changes such as jaundice, darkening of the skin, abnormal hair growth, reddening, and skin itchiness can indicate certain types of cancers.

* Pain

Pain is normally present when the cancer has progressed. However, it can be indicative early on of some cancers, such as bone cancers.

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