Thursday, May 15, 2008

Scam.. woot..

this is new scammer list..
yesterday i was been told by Guido Nussbaum

Unfortunately we are currently dealing with a hacker and scammer inside the internet marketing scene. This guy is best known as Daniel Armstrong and he has stolen 2 of our scripts including the Giveaway Manager 2. Now he runs an illegal giveaway event with that at:

What's going on?

Please read the full story at my blog:

I'm sorry that I have to send out an email like this but I want to make sure that you don't signup there and that your name does not get associated with this hacker.

also my friends told me that he had been cheated by somebody in Malaysia..
yup.. malaysian internet marketeer who known by the name of Azuanfx
nurul ikhwan atau mr-jack
this is his website..

i don't know who wrong or right here..
if the Azuanfx is right.. he should clean his name..

Hoax sms santet, merah pula.. bleh cari kat internet.. tak payah percaya lah orang bagi ilmu hitam melalui telefon. no warna merah la itu lah inilah..

xxxx: xxxx: assalamualaikum wbt..kepada semua sahabat yang dikasihi..jikalau anda mendapat panggilan telefon yang bernombor panjang cth: +62852731520946 dan nombor itu berwarna merah. Diharap sgat jgnlag anda menjawab pgilan itu. Ini kerana di indonesia sekumpulan penuntut ilmu hitam sedang mguji ilmu hitam mereka melalui telfon.jikan ssiapa yang mnjawab pgilan itu akan berbuih dan akan mati selepas itu. di indonesia sudah 9 orang mati dan mlm td di puchong telah mati.ini benar terjadi..tolong sebarkan msg ini...YA ALLAH SELAMATKANLAH KAMI..JAUHKANLAH KAMI DARI SEBARANG MALA PETAKA DAN GANGGUAN SYAITAN,,,AMINNN

dan hakikatnya adalah

dari riau
aku tertipu beberapa minit.. kuikuikui..

2 Comment and put their link:

Fairuz said...

lor.. aku punya warna kat hp dah warna merah dah pon. hehe

Admin said...

memang azuanfx penipu besar

jangan percaya sama org gila ni

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